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Petbuckets logo

Please go to PetBucket to get all of your tick, flea, heartworm, and intestinal worm products. Use our code, PRF13109998 , at checkout to receive an additional $5.00 off!

Amazon smile logo - add us to your account so they will donate to our rescue with every purchase you make

Please put in Castaways Rescue Inc. into your amazon smiles account when making purchases! For every purchase you make on amazon they make a charitable donation to our rescue.

The Brown Derby logo
Best Day Ever Dog Boutique - wonderful pet supplies and goodies

We are hosting a fundraising event here on June 25th, 2022! A percentage of the proceeds from certain drinks will go towards the rescue and the kennel project! Everyone come out and support us on June 25th at The Brown Derby Pub!

Come and visit the best day ever dog boutique in Wilmington for all your pet needs! They have amazing products and friendly staff. Go check them out!

Partners & Sponsors: News
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